I wanted to add some new "love" day decorations to our house this year, but I wanted to make them myself. I just feel so accomplished when I've made something to decorate our home. With little money this year, I set out to the dollar store again. I bought this little beauty. It's a small cookie sheet, but it's the perfect size for what I had planned.
I then scored these cute babies on sale at half-off. I can make something else with them too, because I only used half of them for my project.
I love countdowns for holidays, so I made this little beauty.
I mod podged the conversation hearts and some scrapbook paper and stickers I had on hand. I love when I have free supplies.
And here's our countdown all displayed on our desk. I filled half the containers with activities and the other half said, "You've got mail." I made 2 little mailboxes, one for the girls and one for the boys. I hit the target dollar spot for little trinkets. The kids loved getting their mail. I forgot to get a photo of the mailboxes, so next year I'll have to get a pic of them. They are all packed up now, because I just decorated for St. Patty's Day today. This was one of my favorite craft projects I've done for awhile.
I then made a love bouquet. I already had the rose petals and the basket. I just picked up these cute heart picks at the dollar store and put them in some styrofoam. Later on I added a little "lovebirds" sign to the front.
I also made these cute little frames. One is made with conversation hearts and the other two are actually soap roses. I got them at the dollar store too. They smell pretty. I had the hubs spray them with a sealant so they won't break over the years. I just placed cute love words in each one.
My last craft I made were these two love topiaries. They are made out of, get ready for it, bath sponges glued together. I got the tin pails from the dollar spot at Target and filled them with candy. I think they turned out so cute. I had a lot of fun making these new decorations this year and I'm now onto the next holiday-St. Patty's Day.
A Dramatic Color Drenched Hallway Makeover
4 days ago