So it's been a busy couple of weeks. The family has been sick and Eric even got sick. He was sicker than he has ever been(so much that he stayed home from work and slept an entire day)with a fever of over 102 degrees on Tylenol. We think he had the flu, but being the guy he is he didn't go to the doctor. So I could keep my sanity, I decided to feed my creative bug. It's been biting me lately, so I filled the little free time I have had trying some new things.
I fell in love with these things called baby legs-they're little leg warmers for babies and toddlers. I looked them up and found out they charge $12-$15 a pair. OUCH! My little babies grow so fast that that amount was way too much, so I decided to make my own. Bella has been rolling all over and attempting to get up on her knees to crawl and I thought lit'l leg warmers would be a good way to protect her lit'l knees from carpet burns. They also make changing diapers way easier cause I don't have to pull pants off or tights off.

So here's Bella wearing her cute leg warmers(made out of women's knee high socks). They only cost me $3 and she can wear them for awhile because they are big.

This is her sporting another pair. They are all sparkly and she just loves them. These ones are crew socks that were only $1.

Another craft that I wanted to try. It's heart garland made out of fun foam. I don't have many Valentine's day decorations, so I tried to make some. This only cost $1 for the fun foam sheets. I had the rest of the supplies I used to decorate it.

Finished product all glitz and glammed up!

This is a great FREE decorating idea for the holiday and the kids love it. I just took a bunch of our photos and placed them on the wall in this heart shape(I used tacky tape as to not ruin my wall). The kids love looking at all the photos and remembering the specific events in them.

Here are the sparkly baby leg warmers off of Bella.

These were my first attempt. I used a pair of ankle socks made out of terry cloth. Terry cloth is much harder to work with due to the fact it rolls up so the size is smaller. These don't cover much of Bella's full leg so these would be great for a newborn. They are still cute. I got much better with my other 3 pairs. I also learned that knee socks work way better than crew socks.

These are the last 2 pairs I did. I just love how easy and cute these are. I made both these pairs in 10 minutes. Easy peasy!

My last project! I have wanted a family home evening board for awhile now, but just haven't liked the ones I have seen at Deseret Book store. I don't like having to mess with chalk and that's all they have had lately, so I took to the craft store and this is what I ended up with. It's a magnet wood frame. I just painted it black, painted the lettering, got some cute pieces of wood, glued magnets on them and wrote everyone's names and parts of FHE and PRESTO-my cute little FHE board.
I have had a ton of fun with my little craft projects. I'm working on one more, but I won't post it until Bella's birthday-it's a present for her. I am also doing a 14 days of Valentines for my sweet little loves of my life this year. I have a bunch of recipes and projects with sweets that I have been wanting to try out so my little loves get to have a new one everyday. I'll post about each one every day. Have a great Love month beginning tomorrow!
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