We finally got to venture out of our house after spending the kids' first week of vacation stuck inside due to half the kids being sick. So what do I do to ease into our vacation. I take all six kids out all by myself to an open area filled with animals, sick and unable to talk much due to my getting sick from taking care of all the sick kids. We wanted to go and see some animals and try out our new family pass to Farm Country down at Thanksgiving Point. Much to my surprise my children were so good. They stayed with me and didn't run all over and we had a ton of fun. My kids are great, but when we get out after being cooped up for a long time it's like that song-"Born Free" they just need to run. We had so much fun and it was so easy keeping track of all six all by myself that when we were done I noticed that 2 1/2 hours had gone by. Whoa! I not only survived an outing all by myself, but I had a blast doing so. See, I usually take the kids to big open spaces and someone else comes-i.e. my MIL, or SIL, or my dad or Eric. But I wanted to see how I would fare on my own and I did it, whew! So here are some pics of us at the farm and they have some of the cutest babies out and about!
Cute little calf. The kids watched it while it ate and walked over to us.
Baby goats, aren't they precious! I just love springtime!
Funny story here. All the animals were quite friendly and kept walking up to the kids and hanging over the railings. This one came right up to Kaleigh and spit on her, hence the face. Cute, funny, Kaleigh got either spit on or licked on by a cow, alpaca, and this cute llama. Alexis was the first one to get licked by when we went and saw the Jersey cow. I have never seen the animals quite this friendly and active. It was fun and funny to see the kids' reactions. They all had a blast!
This is the first llama to make his way over to us. Gorgeous animals!
The kids trying their hands at milking the fun "water" cow.
Poor Laney got so spooked by this lovely wild turkey. I was taking a picture and as soon as the flash went off it started gobbling and puffing up. It scard the heck out of her and she wouldn't even walk by its cage.
This is a fun little jail they have set up. The kids thought it was fun to be behind the bars. Now only if they thought it was as fun to be behind their bedroom doors at home.
Cute Noah climbing through tunnels in a soil exhibit. He had a blast playing in the "dirt".
We also went to the Discovery Gateway this week, but this time I had my dad with us. He has never been and wanted to spend some time with the kids so he took the day off and off we went. Mental note- do not go in the morning when schools are in session. We have always gone in the summer in the past so I didn't know that school groups, and lots of them, go to the museum. It was so crowded but we had fun.
Noah loved the play part and the dress-ups. He kept growling while he was wearing his cheetah costume. Such a cute, smiley guy!
Logan was so excited he got to "try" and fly the helicopter. Poor guy, he actually thought when he got in he would be able to fly it. He still loved attempting it though.
Happy, adorable sisters! These two are always together.
Noah climbing the rock wall with grandpa's help. He thought it was so much fun he made my dad help him three more times.
Logan loving the construction site. He was having a ton of fun building. This boy definately needs to go on a site with Eric. He loves all the big machinery. He is definately ALL boy!
We ended our day with a bumpy, screaming, fun had by all tractor ride. The kids all want to go back soon so we will be going back again before vacation is over.
We also went to the Discovery Gateway this week, but this time I had my dad with us. He has never been and wanted to spend some time with the kids so he took the day off and off we went. Mental note- do not go in the morning when schools are in session. We have always gone in the summer in the past so I didn't know that school groups, and lots of them, go to the museum. It was so crowded but we had fun.
The kids all had a blast at the museum. Alexis drew a lot of the time and built prisms so I unfortunately didn't get a picture of her. She was a little frustrated with how crowded it was. We are spoiled because when we usually go we are of about 6 families that are there. The afternoon is the time to go. We ended our outing with lunch at Red Robin- the kids' favorite place to go. Fun was had by all, I was beat-ready for a nap and lucky the kids all went down.
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