Our little lovely turned 10 months this last Friday and wow has she changed! She is movin' and a groovin' all over the place. This little bugger just doesn't sit still and she keeps trying to stand and although she hasn't mastered it yet, she keeps on a tryin' falls and all. She is a pure joy and her giggly smile is the cutest thing ever. Oh I could just love on her all day! She has five teeth and four more have reared their painful little heads almost out. Poor girl, she is having one heck of a time with the teething, but she keeps on smilin' just not sleeping much- but what's new with that. She is definately not one for much sleep, unfortunately her momma sure would like some.
I love this smiley grin. She is like this most of the day. So cute and really a GORGEOUS girl. I wonder where she came from. Heck, I wonder where all my cute kids came from. Crazy, I'm seven for seven and God help Eric with his four pretty girls. I think he's thinking about storing a gun to keep the boys away from his daughters, haha!
She's always trying to get away with something and then checks to see if I'm looking. We call her our little vacuum, because no matter how many times I vacuum she still finds the tiniest little thing on the carpet and it goes straight into her mouth. She is ALWAYS looking for stuff to put in her mouth. Silly girl and a fast one at that. She is standing with almost no support now and I know it's only gonna be a few weeks before she is cruisin' around my furniture. Why, oh why do they have to grow SO fast? Don't they know I'm not ready yet, sheesh!
So here's a few tidbits about Bella that I want to remember:
She loves to eat-still trying veggies over and over because she has no love for them
Finally got her to take 2 oz. of juice from a bottle- hasn't done it again though
Rocks back and forth up on her knees trying to crawl normally
She can really haul crawling army style
Will stand up with just a little support
Loves, loves, loves Logan
Is drawn to musical toys and music playing
Smacks her lips everytime after nursing and then smiles up at me
She is squealing and sucking in her breath to make noises and get laughs
She knows she's funny and does stuff to get laughs
Loves to crawl over to the kitchen when I'm in there
She loves, loves her bouncing rainforest bouncer-the girl can really bounce!
I love her tons and tons and I am glad to see her growing even if I'm not ready for it. She is a happy baby and she is a joy to have in our family. I can't wait to see what she will do next and how she will do it. All our kids keep surprising me with what and how they do things and Bella has joined them. Oh the joys of motherhood and how I do love it all-the good, the bad and the ugly!
So here's a few tidbits about Bella that I want to remember:
She loves to eat-still trying veggies over and over because she has no love for them
Finally got her to take 2 oz. of juice from a bottle- hasn't done it again though
Rocks back and forth up on her knees trying to crawl normally
She can really haul crawling army style
Will stand up with just a little support
Loves, loves, loves Logan
Is drawn to musical toys and music playing
Smacks her lips everytime after nursing and then smiles up at me
She is squealing and sucking in her breath to make noises and get laughs
She knows she's funny and does stuff to get laughs
Loves to crawl over to the kitchen when I'm in there
She loves, loves her bouncing rainforest bouncer-the girl can really bounce!
I love her tons and tons and I am glad to see her growing even if I'm not ready for it. She is a happy baby and she is a joy to have in our family. I can't wait to see what she will do next and how she will do it. All our kids keep surprising me with what and how they do things and Bella has joined them. Oh the joys of motherhood and how I do love it all-the good, the bad and the ugly!
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