I finally, I mean we finally got a night just us gals. The hubs took the boys up to the family cabin for a fathers and sons night and that left us girls to have some fun. I don't get much time with just the older girls due to the boys always wanting in on our fun, so it was nice to be able to get the paints out and have some undistracted, creative, fun. I kept to the true nature of a girl night with junk food, movies, rootbeer and some crafty fun. When I was younger our girl nights included eating just tons of junk food for dinner while watching a movie and gabbing, so that's exactly what we did. I rented Tooth Fairy, the girls have wanted to see it for awhile, and we had nachos, candy, rootbeer, and some rice krispie treats we made earlier. They wanted popcorn and ice cream too, but that was just too much for me to handle. I didn't want our night and morning of fun to end with tummy aches so I held back a bit. I picked up these unpainted, cute bird houses at the dollar store( I just loooovvve that place)and we went to paintin' up a storm.
Just look at how cute they came out...

Kaleigh, me, Alexis

The backside of them
A blast was had by all and the girls want to do it again soon, now I just need to figure out a way to kick the boys out again. I must admit,
eventhough we had Bella, it was way fun and calm in the house. I enjoy the calm for a little while but about 9 in the morning I was missing my boys a ton! They may be loud and crazy, but I couldn't live life without them.
I have been busy doing all kinds of little crafts to keep my stress level down and thought I give you a peek at some. My kids love to take my pens and they never seem to make it back to the pen storage, so I made some of these...

Super easy and now they don't run off with my pens, or at least they get put back in their new homes. It helps to make them look dressed up, it's too hard to hide them now.
Here's their new storage home

I have also been learning to make some
hairbows for my girls. These ones are super easy and because I'm falling in love making stuff, I've decided to make Christmas this year. I have a ton of cute ideas for all the kids, but will probably need to start soon given there are 6 kids to make stuff for.

I got this 6 pack of ribbon in the dollar section at Target last Christmas and it has been sitting in my closet ever since. Enter in the thought to make a hair bow. I just cut each ribbon in half which game me 12 pieces. I just glued the strips in circles, yep that's just using my hot glue gun(my new lover,
Then I just hot glued them in the middle making figure 8s. Now if you do this, I suggest using very little glue or you'll end up with a big gluey(is that a word?)mess.

Then just glue three of the strips(each different one)in a
criss cross and do the same with the other three.

Then I just glued them together, again
criss crossing the two bows, so it looks like this...

I am going to get a cute button and put it in the center of the bow, I just haven't had the time to get to
HobLob yet-ya know 6 kids keep me busy and all. And I found out a tip about alligator clips,which this beauty will be going on. You can get 80 of them at Sally's Beauty Supply center for like $5. SCORE! SWEET! So that means I can make tons of cute bows for all of my girls for Christmas, well at least 3 of them, the oldest would so NOT love that! I tallied the cost and I made 2 bows(the other ones not pictured)for only $1.14, that's
WAAAYYY less than buying one at Kid to Kid-which is
usually $3-$5.
Yee-haw, won't be buying bows anymore! I love making stuff! The joy and satisfaction I get is SWEET! I think I need to start a crafting club that meets once a month and we can all do a craft and teach everyone how to do them. Sounds so good, I just may have to do it.