Our last week of our summer fun was filled with tons of outings and one of our events-checking out the floats for Pioneer Day! We love doing this every year, but this one we had a bigger reason to check them out. Our stake made a float(we didn't know about it until it was done, no announcement made to us)so we wanted to see it. The kids got to even push the remote to make the bunnies pop up and eat the carrots. The theme this year was "then and now." Here are the kids at the front of the float...
I also tried to get some pics of Bella standing and "trying" to take a step, but she wasn't having it. Instead I got this cute pic of the way she sits when she is playing with one of her MOST favorite peeps. Look at her legs. She just thinks she's a big kid now-minus the fact she is STILL nursing and WILL NOT even try walking. Oh well though, at least I get to enjoy her babyness a little longer.
I just love my little bunch of munchkins. Today was the first day of school and I miss my older girls and can't help but feel sad that one day soon this lit'l munchkin will join the fleet of the school children. I better enjoy her tons and tons, 'cause the time flies fast around here and it will seem like just yesterday that she was born. I know this all too well, because my oldest has started her last year of elementary school-YIKES! Oh man, time is just zoomin' past me.
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