Another majorly fun day out with the kids in September and my dad came along for the ride. This is my absolutely FAVORITE picture I got that day.
The kids just love my dad and it shows in this picture!
I think this was one of our favorite days at the zoo. The animals were so ACTIVE and LIVELY and they were doing things we have never seen before.
We actually saw this guy come across the bridge overhead of us and walk straight into this bath of water. He was even growling for us, which the kids thought was the coolest thing. They have never heard the animals up close like this and this loudly. They were gigglin' so much and had a BLAST!
Of course we had to watch Baby Suri, and she was playing around with all kinds of toys, again, nothing we have seen before. It must have been the fact we were there right when the zoo opened and it is fall now.
These guys were chasing each other and wrestling one another. The boys got in the act and started play wrestling with each other too. They were makin' monkey sounds and everything.
Of course we can't go to the zoo and not see Kaleigh's FAVORITEST animal, the giraffes. These guys were so close to us and they were eating their mid-morning snack. We saw a lot of animals getting fed this day. We even saw some wolves being hand-fed raw meat. It was quite the show.
The tiger getting out of the water and roaring and growling at the kiddos. Here I thought they would be scared, but no, they were laughing and running along side him and everything.
Mama's feeding time!
We always get a picture of the kiddos on this statue every time we visit the zoo. My crazy bunch is getting so big!
We spent 10 minutes with this lit'l fella. He kept whistlin' at us and saying "I love you, and hell0." The kids were talking back and then he would start laughing. I've never seen one laugh and giggle before. It was so much fun.
Logan had to sit up on the rhino statue. He loved it!
I braved the stinky bird and reptile house, but as a reward, I got some gorgeous pictures of some pretty birds. This trip actually convinced me that we need our zoo membership renewed next year and we need to go more often in the early morning. We can't wait to visit the animals in the winter. Apparently this is when the animals are most active. I guess we'll just have to see.
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