We decided to go to the Children's Garden with some friends and have some Saturday fun. The kids absolutely loved it and had a blast seeing and playing with friends we haven't seen for awhile. Thank you Liz and Scott and family for the fun day at the garden. It was so much fun we are thinking of doing it again. It was our first time going, we didn't know what to expect, but we found ourselves so relaxed with just letting the kids run around exploring and hanging out with their friends.

This is the Noah's Ark water feature that is at the front of the gardens right when you walk in. Noah was so drawn to the water that he took a spill right into it first thing. He just loves the water as well as all the other kids. The water was definately one of their favorite parts.

Kaleigh all wet from the water spouts.

Alexis enjoying the coolness of the water.

Laney and Logan trying to get the water to shoot up again to get themselves soaked.

Noah playing with his new little buddy Nate. They were so cute playing their music.

The girls enjoying some rolling hill fun.

The world is their stage.

Noah and Alexis just having a "bear" of a time.

Exploring the Bear Cave.

Having so much tunnel fun.

Logan playing hide and seek.

Noah and his soaking wet self.

Logan was all amazed with the fish.

Rock climbing anyone?

Thinking about that rock climbing.

A bear just my size.
We had so much fun on a nice Saturday morning with some good friends. We are enjoying our stay-cation very much. Many more outings to come and many more laughs, we love this month of fun.