Noah Gabriel Hansen
8lbs. 10 1/2 oz.
19 1/2 inches long

Born on September 17, 2007 at 8:04 a.m.

Has officially turned 2 years old and lovin' every moment of it. Love of cars, cake, running around, and talking non-stop are just a few of his favorite things. He is our little ray of sunshine with a smile on his face from the time he wakes in the morning til the time his sweet little head hits his pillow at night.

He just loves a good party, especially when he gets to open up presents and run around like a wild hyenna. He seriously runs around like the energizer bunny, he keeps going and going and going. The kid wears me out daily, but makes me smile all the time.

You can't see it very well, but this sweatshirt has a car on it and all he says is "vroom, vroom." He absolutely loved it. He also got some presents from his sisters and brother. They are the sweetest kids. They go and find something of theirs that they think he would like and wrap it up and give it to him. They do this with everyone's birthdays. How cute are they! They all have such loving and giving hearts, I love it. Well, my baby boy is now 2 and no longer likes to be called my baby. Anytime I say my baby he points to Bella and says baby. They grow up so fast. I wish they could just stay little.
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