8 boxes of general mills cereal
3 boxes of nature valley granola bars
4 big bags of chex mix
2 8pk go-gurt
2 8 ct. poptarts
2 kellogg's fruit snacks
2 boxes of gerber baby rice cereal
2 pk bounty paper towels
The cereal alone without all the coupons and ad-matching would have cost me $24. So, to say the least I'm very proud of myself and it is like a contest for myself to see just how much I can save. Last night I received an email about a deal with restaurants.com to purchase a 12 month dinner club plan for only $12. That's a 90% savings. We get a $25 gift certificate to use at any participating restaurant once a month, and for choosing the plan we received one $50 gift cert. for free. So I spent $12 for dinner cert. that total $350. My best find yet. So far these past two weeks I have spent only $208(we had to buy diapers and wipes, which I also got a deal on)and I have saved $167. I LOVE this couponing! This is really helping us out a lot since my kids are growing and they are eating us out of house and home, not to mention a newborn going through diapers like crazy. Sorry for the long post, but I was so excited about today's deals I got, I just had to share. Ta ta for now.
Wow, congrats on you new found hobbie. I wish I had patience to do that...maybe I'll have to talk more about it with you..thanks for sharing.