So today's stocking was Kaleigh's turn and it was PRESENT, however, we put it off and got invited to do an ACTIVITY instead, and this is where we went...

The kids had a blast and although it was cold, it was A LOT of fun-even Bella and Noah were really good. That is saying a lot for them, because they are the youngest and the cold hits them a lot more.

Here's Logan standing and demanding for his picture in front of the blue tree. Every tree that was either blue or green he would point out and say that they were his trees. You see these are his favorite colors and thinks everything that is blue and green are his. What a cutie!

Kaleigh and Logan in front of a train light display. My kids just love their trains!

Cute snapshot of Miss Bella all bundled up and having fun.

A cute little gingerbread house that Alexis, Gabe, and Noah all stood in front of. It was a fun family time spent at the zoo.

Kaleigh posing in front of her favorite kind of animal-giraffes. Funny girl, loving that candy cane from grandma.

The alligator that was after Logan and Noah.

Logan lovin all the lights! This was our first year and we had planned to go as an activity in the early part of December, but our temps had only been 15 degrees-and that's in the day. So I have had to change some things with the stockings due to the weather or kids not feeling well, but they have all loved everything we have done with our new advent calendar. It's been a fun season and we had fun getting the chance to do something with the extended family as well. We hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and always remember the REASON FOR THE SEASON!
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