Again, thank you to our friend Jeremy and his pics. He even got some cute ones of Laney and Kaleigh at the party.
Laney just loved having all the dum dums she could get her hands on.
I love this pic of Kaleigh. Look at all those freckles. Oh man, does Eric have his work cut out for him with these two girlie girls and fightin' off all them boys!
More of Bella eating her cake.
She loved eating her cake at her own pace. She also loved wearing it. I just love this baby. So cute and adorable, I could just eat her up.
I made my own banner for her birthday with some scrapbook paper I had, ribbon, and pictures on each letter marking her first year. This was my favorite craft I did for her party. I also made her cute little outfit, but forgot to get a pic of it, so I'll have to get one later and post it. The banner started with her birth and ended at 11 months with a place for a pic from her birthday.

Blessing Day
Love, love, love this one. Caught her mid-giggle.
Gotta love a baby dressed as a flower.
The pic I used for her invitations.

Last one ready for her 1st birthday picture to go on.
This is what it looked like hanging up.
I loved doing the decorations all by myself. I had most of the supplies on hand already and they meant a little more to us than just buying the decorations at a party store. I got to fill my crafting bug and show my love for my little girl. We had a blast throwing her bash and I am thankful to the hubs for helping me with the kids so I could get it all done. Love to him always 'cause he helps out so much and never grumbles at me. The other kids have already ordered their birthday wishes at me for their own decorations as well. Looks like I'll be a busy craftin' bee over the next few months, but that's fine by me. I just love to craft and the older kids can help out too. I just love parties!

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