With a kindergartner home for the week from school, what do you do? Go to the zoo, of course! So off we went this morning with Lana and Carter. A blast was had by all, and we were all tuckered out and ready for our afternoon nap. The kids loved the animals, but I think their favorite part was the playground! You'd think they had never been on one before. Oh the joys of childhood. I took lots of pics again this time so here we go...
Gorgeous tiger!
Noah found the sand and a little spot to sit-pure boy heaven!
Laney lovin' the spider web.
Logan thought the teeter totter would be fun, but I caught him giving a look like "I don't know if I really like this."
Bella's sweet face. Beautiful girl, just like her name says!
I love these guys! We had so much fun, and YES, I can keep track of them without the help of the older girls. I'm getting better and better, now if they would only get better at knowing what "stay by mommy" means. Gotta love 'em!
Laney was very insistent about getting a picture with the giraffe. Silly girl.
Sitting by the penguins and actually wanting to pose for a pic.
Cute little penguins. The kids love these guys.
Bella with her cuz, Carter. These two were so cute. Carter would reach for Bella's hand and hold it. Sweet cousins. Just as I tried to get this pic, Carter put his head down. Still cute though.
A Dramatic Color Drenched Hallway Makeover
4 days ago
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