So, again I have a nice score of food for the week. I'm quite surprised to say that the winner this week is Albertsons- I know, I'm SHOCKED too! They have a really good sale going on until Tuesday and I had really good coupons to match up with it. This is what I got:
10 boxes of chicken/hamburger helper
4 oscar mayer deli creations
2 12pk. keebler snack crackers
3 candy bars(free with coupon)
4 renuzit air freshner
5lb. bag red pots.
2lb. bag baby carrots
2 litehouse caramel dip
4 3-pack pop secret
2 10 pack disposable playtex gloves(free with coupons)
3 2 liter cherry 7-up
2 McCormick gravy mix
2 refrig. Welch's juice
6 pack super pretzel
10 softsoap containers
Grand total of groceries came to $133.56
What I ended up paying for them came to $47.36 for 51 items (less than $1 per item) SWEET! I love my finds. I did good with Harmons, Smith's, and Target this week as well-just not as GREAT as this Albertsons trip. I honestly love the hunt of a good sale and deal paired together. It's a fun little game for me and my family reaps the benefit of it. This week I bought groceries totaling $468.00 but only spent $228.11(had to buy diapers and wipes) which means I saved 51% this week total. Not bad if I say so myself. I will be taking a food shopping break for awhile due to the fact all 3 freezers are full and my pantry and storage room is packed to the rafters. I have no more room for food which is a really good thing to say and know. I stocked us up for half the price it usually costs me. I only wish I had done this earlier in our marriage. I could just kick myself for all the $$ I could have saved in the past 11 years. I have always tried to buy things when they are on sale, but now with the addition of coupons I save, save, save! Well now that I have bragged about my finds I will say adios amigos! Love ya all.
A Dramatic Color Drenched Hallway Makeover
4 days ago
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