MURDER happened in our house this weekend. Eric saw a mouse under our upstairs couch and instructed me to help him kill it. I absolutely HATE mice and wanted no part in this, but I had to protect my sweet little kids from the unwanted guest. We chased it back and forth from each other until it came my way and Eric said "whack it" I did and low and behold I killed my first mouse. Poor lit'l fella, but that'll teach you to come into MY house!

We had a lot of fun this weekend minus the mouse event. We celebrated Laney's birthday-can't believe she is 6 already, decorated pumpkins, and went to the South Jordan Fall Festival-which happened to be on Laney's birthday. This picture is all of us watching Snow White, which Laney got as her present from us.

Laney happy as a clam to get another princess movie!

This year we put a spin on birthday cake. These are cake pops. They were a huge hit!

Laney decorating her pumpkin at the Fall Festival. We only did this activity, because it was pouring like cats and dogs and this activity luckily was under a tent.

Alexis and her pumpkin

Kaleigh making a goofy face-AGAIN, and Logan proud of their pumpkins, wondering what was next. Nothing, because it started to pour. Although we did have a treat before we left. We got a free sample of pie from Village Inn-they were one of the sponsors for the festival. Next year we hope it won't be raining, because there was face painting, pumpkin bowling, costume contest, carving contest, and free hot chocolate and cookies. But little kids, infant, and pouring rain just don't mix!

Finished pumpkins-Alexis, Laney, Logan, Kaleigh, and the lit'l piggie is Bella's. Noah wouldn't let his go so he kept his.

The kids all proud of their creations.

Noah enjoying his pumpkin and having fun pulling off the stickers from it. Gotta love this little goofy guy. A busy weekend again, but lots of fun! Now we just have one more birthday this week and Halloween, then it will be quiet until Thanksgiving. Gotta just love raising a big bunch!
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