So, this lit'l darlin' is 4 months now, can you believe it! I sure can't, but then time flies when you are havin' fun. We went to the doctor yesterday and she currently weighs 12 lbs. 10 1/2 oz. and is 25 1/2 inches long. She is in the 30% for weight and 95% for height. She still has a small head only coming in at 30%, but other than that she is as healthy as an ox. She is giggling, grabbing, trying to push off of my legs when she stands, and we are now attempting more food. We've been trying rice and pears for awhile now, but she doesn't have it down yet, but hopefully soon so I can get more sleep. We figure once she has solid food in her fiery furnace of a belly maybe she'll sleep for more than an hour and a half at a time. I'm one tired mommy, but this too will pass, so I'll just enjoy our nighttime fun for now. She smiles up at people all the time now and she is the most ticklish little girl. She's our sweet, beautiful girl who is getting bigger and bigger every day. We love her very much and are glad she has joined our family healthy and happy.
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