Eric's cousin Candice was expecting her first baby in October, so our family of gals decided to throw her a shower. She now has her cutie patootie, Drew, in her arms. We all pitched in and I took decorations and desserts. My favorite things to do.
Lovely gals chit-chatting in the front room.
I made a bunch of these pom poms in her colors she said she was doing in her babe's nursery. Her colors were black, turq, tangerine orange, and green.
Here's the cutie-baby bump and all- opening some gifts. I wish I looked this good with only 1 week to go. Man, I look this way like when I'm barely 2 months. Good genes, that whole family has them. None of them ever look that pregnant, then they bounce right back right after the baby is out. I need to take a lesson from all these gals.
I made some party favors using blow pops.
This was one of my favorite decorations. A diaper wreath. Candice got to keep all the decorations as gifts from the shower.
I had fun making this lit'l guy too. It's a diaper baby, made entirely out of diapers then dressed in boy clothes(since baby Drew was coming soon).
Lollipop receiving blankets. I had fun making these too. I chose colored blankets that would go with her baby room. I love cuddling babies in blankets-you can never have too many. The shower was a lot of fun both during and the preparation for it. I love my crafting and when I have a purpose-such as a shower, it's even more fun.
I made reese's quiches, baby booties with trail mix, and chocolate cookie dough cupcakes.
I also made some cute wrapped candy decors too. They are washcloths made to look like starlight mints.
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