Oh how I love fall. I love being able to get out the warm clothes and dressing this lit'l one up. Here she is doing her favorite thing, rumaging through my cupboards. Isn't she cute? I love this lit'l babe.
We went to the Great Pumpkin Fall Festival at Farnsworth Farms in Sandy and had a blast. We ended the night there by watching The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown on the side of a truck. Bella enjoyed sitting on my lap playing with my sweatshirt strings.
She looks so angelic here.
This was her happy face right after she grabbed my drawstring to my sweatshirt.
The kids all sitting up on Snoopy's doghouse waiting for the movie to start. Cute kiddos. I love them to pieces. They all look so old now, though. Where has the time gone, oh yeah, out the window flying away.
I actually agreed to a photo with the kids. It's usually me taking the pics and the hubs with the kids. I think we're all kinda cute in this pic.
Miss Bell's wasn't quite sure about the tractor ride.
Noah was sure lovin' it though.
I love the look on Bella's face. She was not happy to be sitting on the hay, but then when Laney sat down too, she was really unhappy.
There was a playground set up for the kids there too. My kids are like bees to honey when it comes to swingsets. They stick to them like glue.
Noah all proud of himself for climbing up all by himself. Sheesh, the boy turns 3 and thinks he's all grown up. What's up with that?
Now this is what I call a boy teeter totter. I couldn't get the boys off this airplane. They were in pure heaven.
We also went to a fundraiser carnival with the hub's folks. It was raising money for a family who has 2 kids with the same terminal disease. Our hearts still go out to them and hope and pray for as much time possible with their little ones. The carnival had some people dressed up as Disney characters-which had my kiddos jumpin' out of their skin.
The girls were lovin' it. We saw a magic show, got our faces painted, had some snowcones and churros, and ended with me purchasing a magnet(a green one 'cause Logan said so)and having dinner at Arby's. The community was awesome at this carnival. Everyone donated everything, so anything that was purchased went straight to the family. How AWESOME!!!
A Dramatic Color Drenched Hallway Makeover
4 days ago
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